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Ashstrom Group is proud to be one of the foremost and leading construction and real estate groups in Israel, leading the initiation, planning, development and construction, of infrastructure solutions with a positive impact on the sustainability challenges facing us.

We are committed to providing sustainable solutions to economic, social and environmental challenges, with an aspiration for excellence; professionalism and reliability; entrepreneurship and innovation.

Ashtrom Group’s ESG Strategy

E - Sustainable Environment

  • Manufacture, planning, construction and management of environmentally-friendly properties
  • Efforts to minimize environmental impacts and implementation of circular economy principles (reduce, reuse, recycle)
  • Choice of properties for investment and entrepreneurship and portfolio management
  • Innovative materials, methods and processes

S - Healthy & Safe Community Environment 

  • Safe and healthy construction of properties and communities
  • Systematic and structured management of worker health & safety including built-in enforcement and controls
  • Strengthening the local employment market
  • Promotion of long-term rental housing solutions

 G - Ethical Business Environment

  • Enforcement of an ethical framework and preservation of human rights
  • Risk & opportunity management, including ESG risks
  • Development of a responsible supply chain – local and environmental
  • Quality of performance, safety and sustainability of outcomes


Ashtrom Group’s ESG Goals

E - Sustainable Environment

  • Carbon neutrality (net zero emissions) by 2050
  • 100% environmental certification in Israel and abroad, by 2050

S - Healthy & Safe Community Environment 

Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) of 1 by 2030

  • At least 18% female senior and middle managers by 2030
  • Representation of at least 4% of individuals with disabilities or impairments in the HQ workforce by 2030
  • Expansion of employee involvement in regular and on-going volunteering activities by 2030
  • Donation of at least 0.5% of net profit* to community by 2030

 G - Ethical Business Environment

Zero ethical incidents** by 2035

  • ESG assessment for 100% of all material suppliers by 2035
  • Zero carbon emissions from material suppliers by 2050
  • Implementation of the Code of Ethics by 100% suppliers and central business partners by 2035

* In the year prior to the donation, excluding one-time income

** Material events are those that, in their extent and scope, influence Ashtrom Group’s activities and reputation.

ESG Report Ashtrom Group

Alongside the celebrations of our 60th anniversary, we are pleased to share our first Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) report.

Together with our employees, we are committed to continuing to promote our ESG programs, with the belief that our activities will ensure the continued success of the our Group, while strengthening the employees, communities, and the environment in which we operate.

We invite you to read this report for our ESG actions - read our ESG report for 2023:

ESG Report 2023

GRI Content Index


read our ESG report for 2022:

ESG Report 2022

GRI Content Index



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